The L&D Blog

Addressing the skills shortage: Insights from Sir Keir Starmer & Skills England

The skills shortage has become a pressing issue in the UK, threatening the country’s ability to remain competitive in an increasingly globalised economy. Recent comments by Sir Keir Starmer have brought renewed focus to this challenge, emphasising the need for immediate and strategic action.

In this blog, we explore the importance of addressing the skills gap and highlight initiatives by Skills England aimed at developing a robust, future-ready workforce.

The urgency of addressing the skills shortage

The skills shortage is not a new problem, but its impact has been magnified by rapid technological advancements and shifting economic landscapes. Sir Keir Starmer recently highlighted the urgency of this issue, calling for a comprehensive strategy to equip the workforce with the skills necessary for modern industries. His comments underscore a critical reality: without a skilled workforce, the UK risks falling behind in innovation and productivity.

Skills England: Leading the charge

Skills England has been at the forefront of efforts to tackle the skills shortage. Their initiatives focus on:

  • Vocational training: Providing high-quality vocational education and training programmes to prepare individuals for specific trades and professions.
  • Apprenticeships: Expanding apprenticeship opportunities to give young people and career changers hands-on experience in their chosen fields.
  • Lifelong learning: Promoting a culture of lifelong learning where individuals continually update their skills to keep pace with industry changes.
  • Employer partnerships: Collaborating with employers to ensure training programmes align with current and future industry needs.

    Why addressing the skills shortage is so important

    Addressing the skills shortage is essential for several reasons:

  • Economic growth: A skilled workforce drives innovation, boosts productivity, and contributes to economic growth.
  • Job creation: Developing new skills opens up employment opportunities, reducing unemployment and underemployment rates.
  • Competitiveness: Equipping workers with advanced skills ensures that businesses remain competitive on a global scale.
  • Social mobility: Providing access to training and education helps individuals improve their socio-economic status and achieve their career aspirations.

    The role of managed learning services

    Managed Learning Services (MLS) providers play a pivotal role in bridging the skills gap. By offering comprehensive training solutions, MLS providers help organisations develop their workforce efficiently and effectively. Here’s how:

  • Tailored training programmes: Designing customised training programmes that meet the specific needs of an organisation and its employees.
  • Scalable solutions: Providing scalable training options that can grow with the organisation, ensuring continuous skill development.
  • Cutting-edge content: Leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver engaging and relevant training.
  • Performance tracking: Implementing robust tracking systems to measure training effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.


The skills shortage is a multifaceted challenge that requires a coordinated effort from government, educational institutions, employers, and training providers. The recent comments by Sir Keir Starmer and the proactive initiatives by Skills England highlight the importance of addressing this issue head-on.

At Optimus Learning Services we are committed to empowering talent and securing a brighter future for the UK workforce. Our MD, Blake Henegan, comments, “Empowering talent today secures our future tomorrow.”

Together, we can bridge the skills gap and build a resilient, dynamic workforce ready to meet the demands of tomorrow’s industries.

Take time for self-care in the workplace over the summer period

As the summer sun shines brightly and the days grow longer, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the importance of self-care in the workplace. The warmer months often bring a mix of excitement and stress, with deadlines, projects, and the desire to make the most of the season. However, taking time for self-care can enhance productivity, improve mental health, and foster a happier work environment. Here’s how you can prioritise self-care in the workplace for you and your employees this summer.

Embrace the power of breaks

Taking regular breaks throughout the workday is crucial for maintaining focus and energy levels. Here’s how to make the most of your breaks:

  • Step outside: Spend a few minutes in the sunshine to soak up some Vitamin D. A short walk or just sitting outside can refresh your mind.
  • Stretch and move: Incorporate light stretching or a quick workout during your break to keep your body active and reduce tension.
  • Mindful moments: Practice mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to clear your mind and reduce stress.

Optimise your workspace

A comfortable and inviting workspace can significantly impact your well-being and productivity. Consider these tips:

  • Declutter: Keep your desk organised and clutter-free to create a calming environment.
  • Natural light: Position your workspace near a window to benefit from natural light, which can boost your mood and energy.
  • Personal touches: Add some personal touches like plants, photos, or motivational quotes to make your workspace more enjoyable.

Set boundaries and manage time

Balancing work and personal life is essential for self-care. Here’s how to set boundaries and manage your time effectively:

  • Schedule breaks: Block out time in your calendar for regular breaks and self-care activities.
  • Set Clear boundaries: Communicate your work hours to colleagues and avoid checking emails or taking calls outside of those hours.
  • Prioritise tasks: Focus on high-priority tasks and delegate or postpone less critical work when possible.

Stay hydrated and nourished

Proper hydration and nutrition are vital for maintaining energy and focus. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Drink water: Keep a water bottle at your desk and set reminders to drink regularly.
  • Healthy snacks: Choose healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt to keep your energy levels stable throughout the day.
  • Balanced meals: Ensure you have balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients to support overall well-being.

Engage in social connections

Building and maintaining positive relationships at work can enhance your mental health and job satisfaction. Here’s how to stay connected:

  • Virtual coffee breaks: Schedule virtual coffee breaks or lunch dates with colleagues to catch up and share experiences.
  • Team activities: Participate in team-building activities or summer outings to strengthen bonds with your coworkers.
  • Support system: Lean on your support system at work when you need encouragement or assistance.

Take time off

Summer is a great time to take advantage of annual leave days and recharge. Consider these points:

  • Plan ahead: Schedule your time off in advance to ensure you have something to look forward to.
  • Unplug: Make a conscious effort to disconnect from work-related communications during your time off to fully relax.
  • Explore and enjoy: Use your holiday time to explore new places, engage in hobbies, or simply rest and rejuvenate.


Prioritising self-care in the workplace during the summer period is not just beneficial for your well-being; it also enhances your productivity and job satisfaction. By taking regular breaks, optimising your workspace, managing your time, staying hydrated and nourished, engaging in social connections, and taking time off, you can create a balanced and fulfilling work environment. Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. So, this summer, make a commitment to yourself and your teams to embrace self-care and enjoy the season to its fullest. Your mind and body will thank you.

Happy summer and happy self-caring!

New client partnership with Atlas Elektronik UK (AEUK), the highly renowned market leader in the Defence sector

Optimus Learning Services are thrilled to announce a new client partnership with Atlas Elektronik UK (AEUK), the highly renowned market leader in the Defence sector.

The reputable expertise of our client’s workforce as provider of innovative maritime systems, supplying UK and global markets with submarine and ship systems, including sonar, autonomous systems, marine electric actuation and mine countermeasures.

This new collaboration for both parties, demonstrates our shared commitment for supporting the continual skills development of employees, enabling AEUK to both thrive and drive further innovation for the future.

Through this partnership, Optimus Learning Services will provide AEUK’s workforce with expert support to progress their learning and development pathways. Our managed learning services will support the internal HR team with training sourcing and training management every step of the way from registration, right through to evaluation.

Their employees will also have access to a self-service learning portal to be able to select the training they require whilst always having access to a dedicated support team. Training will be available via all delivery methods and in all areas including health and safety, technical, leadership and management, personal development and project management.

“We are delighted to embark on this journey with Atlas Elektronik UK,” said Blake Henegan, Managing Director at Optimus Learning Services. “We’re extremely proud to be working together with a company with such a leading reputation in their sector and welcoming them as another new client that aligns perfectly with our values. Together, we are poised to achieve great things as we focus on developing their workforce further.”

“We are excited to join forces with Optimus Learning Services to help us provide the highest standards of learning for our employees, in the most effective way possible,” said Mandy Franklin, HR Business Partner. “Together, we look forward to building on the strength of our L&D to deliver an unparalleled service to our employees and in turn further solidify our position as industry leaders.”

As part of this collaboration, Optimus Learning Services and AEUK recently held an internal launch day so employees could meet with their new L&D support team, discuss their training needs and trial their new self-service learning portal. “As an organisation, we believe that running such events to help build relationships is key to the success of our partnership going forward” said Blake Henegan of Optimus Learning Services. “We look forward to the future working together.”

For more information about this partnership or to enquire about our services, please find relevant contact information:
Kate Henegan – Communications, 0845 519 7408


Attract and retain talent with managed learning services

In today’s competitive job market, effective Learning and Development (L&D) programmes are crucial for attracting and retaining top talent.

Organisations that prioritise L&D create a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth, which is highly attractive to both current and potential employees. Organisations that get their L&D right create an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to grow. This leads to a more engaged and loyal workforce, which is crucial for long-term success.

Work with a managed learning service provider to support your talent acquisition & retention efforts

Partnering with a managed learning service provider (MLSP) can significantly enhance your organisation’s talent acquisition and retention efforts. By leveraging the expertise and resources of an MLSP, companies can create and implement effective Learning and Development (L&D) programmes that attract top talent and keep employees engaged and loyal. Here’s how an MLSP can help:

1. Expertise and customisation

  • Tailored programmes: MLSPs offer customised training solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation and industry. This ensures that your L&D programmes are highly relevant and effective.
  • Expert guidance: With access to L&D experts, your organisation can benefit from the latest training methodologies and best practices, ensuring high-quality training programmes.

2. Scalability and flexibility

  • Adaptable solutions: MLSPs provide scalable training solutions that can grow with your organisation. Whether you need to train a small team or an entire workforce, they can accommodate your needs.
  • Flexible delivery: Offering various training formats, such as online, in-person, and hybrid models, MLSPs ensure that training is accessible to all employees, regardless of their location or work schedule.

3. Enhanced employee engagement

  • Engaging content: Professional training providers create engaging and interactive learning content that keeps employees interested and motivated.
  • Continuous learning: MLSPs promote a culture of continuous learning by providing ongoing training opportunities, which helps keep employees engaged and invested in their personal development.

4. Efficient use of resources

  • Cost-effective: Outsourcing your L&D needs to an MLSP can be more cost-effective than developing and maintaining an in-house training team.
  • Resource allocation: By partnering with an MLSP, your HR and L&D teams can focus on strategic initiatives, while the MLSP handles the day-to-day management of training programmes.

5. Access to advanced technology

  • Learning management systems (LMS): MLSPs often provide state-of-the-art platforms that offer robust tracking, reporting, and analytics capabilities, helping you measure the effectiveness of your training programmes.
  • Innovative tools: Utilise the latest training technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and AI-driven learning, to create immersive and impactful training experiences.

6. Improved recruitment

  • Attractive employer brand: Demonstrating a strong commitment to employee development makes your organisation more attractive to top talent. Candidates are more likely to join a company that invests in their growth.
  • Comprehensive onboarding: MLSPs can develop thorough onboarding programmes that help new hires integrate quickly and effectively, setting the stage for long-term success.

7. Higher retention rates

  • Career development: Providing employees with clear career development paths through structured L&D programmes increases job satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Employee wellbeing: Training programmes that include aspects of mental health and wellbeing support help maintain a healthy, satisfied workforce, reducing turnover rates.

8. Data-driven insights

  • Performance analytics: MLSPs offer detailed analytics and insights into training effectiveness, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve L&D programmes continuously.
  • Feedback mechanisms: Regular feedback from training participants helps refine and enhance learning experiences, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of your workforce.

9. Compliance and regulatory training

  • Stay updated: MLSPs ensure that your training programmes are always up-to-date with the latest compliance and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues and ensuring adherence to industry standards.
  • Comprehensive coverage: They provide comprehensive training on compliance topics, ensuring all employees are knowledgeable and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.


Working with a managed learning service provider can greatly enhance your talent acquisition and retention strategies. By offering expert, customised, and scalable training solutions, an MLSP helps you build a skilled, engaged, and loyal workforce. This not only makes your organisation more attractive to top talent but also ensures that your employees are continuously developing and satisfied, leading to higher retention rates and overall organisational success.

What’s on your training plan this Summer?

Firstly here’s your seasonal reminder – it is Summer despite the intermittent sunshine! Wimbledon is here, the Euro championships, the flower shows, Glastonbury festival and all the other wonderful events the UK love the most, especially if the sun makes an appearance!

Reminder two – Summertime is the perfect time for your organisation to get on top of it’s L&D efforts. Summer is an ideal time of year for training due to several factors that make it conducive for learning and development activities:

1. Slower business periods

  • Reduced workload: Many industries experience a slowdown in business activities during the summer months, which allows employees to focus on training without the pressure of high workloads.
  • Less urgency: With fewer critical projects and deadlines, employees can dedicate more time and attention to learning and development.

2. Employee availability

  • Holiday planning: While some employees may take holidays during the summer, those who remain often have more flexible schedules. This can create opportunities for scheduling training sessions without major disruptions.
  • Placement students and new hires: Summer is a common time for hiring students and new graduates, making it a perfect period for onboarding and initial training programmes.

3. Preparation for busy seasons

  • Pre-holiday training: For industries that get busier in the autumn and winter, summer training ensures that employees are well-prepared for the upcoming peak season.
  • Skill enhancement: Employees can use the summer months to develop new skills and knowledge that will be valuable in the more demanding periods later in the year.

4. Team building opportunities

  • Outdoor activities: Summer weather allows for outdoor team-building activities and training exercises, which can enhance learning experiences and foster team cohesion.
  • Retreats and workshops: Companies often organise retreats and workshops during the summer, providing immersive learning experiences in a relaxed environment.

5. Renewed focus

  • Mid-year motivation: Mid-year can be a time to re-energise employees and refocus on goals set earlier in the year. Training during this period can help reignite motivation and commitment.
  • Review and adjust: Summer provides a good opportunity to review progress on annual goals and adjust training needs based on the first half of the year’s performance.

6. Flexible learning formats

  • Online and remote learning: The slower pace of summer can make it easier to integrate online and remote learning options, allowing employees to balance training with their schedules.
  • Blended learning: Combining in-person and online training methods can be particularly effective during summer, offering flexibility and variety in learning experiences.

7. Enhanced learning environment

  • Relaxed atmosphere: The generally more relaxed atmosphere during summer can reduce stress and create a more conducive environment for learning.
  • Positive mood: The longer daylight hours and warmer weather can improve overall mood and engagement levels, making training sessions more enjoyable and productive.

8. Strategic planning

  • Mid-year checkpoint: Summer serves as a mid-year checkpoint to assess what has been accomplished and what needs to be done. This can be a strategic time to implement training that aligns with updated goals and strategies.
  • Preparation for year-end goals: Training during summer ensures that employees are ready to tackle year-end goals and initiatives with the necessary skills and knowledge.


Leveraging the summer months for training can maximise employee development opportunities while minimising operational disruptions.

By strategically planning training programmes during this period, companies can enhance skill sets, boost morale, and prepare their workforce for upcoming challenges and busy seasons.

Working with a training outsourcing provider can provide the scalability and support that’s perfect for your changing training needs this summer and beyond too.

Why not get in touch to discuss your training agenda this Summer.

Navigating uncertainty: Organisational investment in L&D amid the 2024 General Election

As we approach the 2024 general election, organisations across industries are grappling with uncertainty. Political outcomes can significantly influence economic policies, regulatory frameworks, and funding priorities, all of which have a direct impact on corporate strategies, including investment in learning and development (L&D).

In times of political and economic flux, making informed decisions about L&D can be particularly challenging. However, partnering with a managed learning service (MLS) provider can offer stability and strategic advantages.

Continue reading “Navigating uncertainty: Organisational investment in L&D amid the 2024 General Election”

Create your next learning programme with a managed learning service provider

Creating a successful learning programme in collaboration with a managed learning services (MLS) provider involves several key steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you design and implement an effective learning programme for your organisation: Continue reading “Create your next learning programme with a managed learning service provider”

Making mental health awareness a priority at work all year round

As Mental Health Awareness Week approaches on the 13-19 May, workplaces around the world are gearing up to show their support for mental health initiatives. While this designated week serves as an important reminder to prioritise mental well-being, it’s crucial to recognise that mental health awareness and support should be ongoing efforts within any organisation. Continue reading “Making mental health awareness a priority at work all year round”