The L&D Blog

Cost savings to your business with training outsourcing

Training outsourcing can offer several cost-saving benefits for businesses. Here are some potential areas where cost savings can be achieved:

1. Infrastructure costs:
Physical space: Outsourcing training eliminates the need for dedicated training facilities or classrooms, saving on rent, utilities, and maintenance costs.
Equipment: Training providers often have their own equipment, reducing the need for the organisation to invest in additional training resources.

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The benefits of training outsourcing for your business

Training outsourcing, also known as learning or training business process outsourcing (BPO) or managed learning services.

Training outsourcing involves hiring external organisations to manage and deliver training programmes for your employees. There are several reasons why businesses choose to outsource their training activities:

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How to keep on top of business compliance

Staying on top of business compliance is crucial for the success and sustainability of your business. Here are some strategies to help you maintain compliance:

  1. Understand applicable regulations:
    Identify and understand the specific regulations that apply to your industry and business.
  2. Create a compliance calendar:
    Develop a compliance calendar that outlines key deadlines for filing reports, renewing licenses, and meeting other regulatory requirements. Regularly review and update this calendar.
  3. Designate responsibility:
    Assign specific individuals or teams within your organisation to be responsible for compliance matters. Clearly communicate their roles and responsibilities.
  4. Regular training:
    Keep your staff informed about compliance requirements through regular training sessions. This ensures that everyone is aware of the latest regulations and understands their role in maintaining compliance. Find out more about the compliance training we can help your organisation with.
  5. Engage legal professionals:
    Establish a relationship with legal professionals who specialise in business law and compliance. Consult with them regularly to ensure that your business practices align with current regulations.
  6. Monitor regulatory changes:
    Stay informed about any changes in regulations that may affect your business. Subscribe to industry publications, newsletters, and government updates to stay abreast of new developments.
  7. Implement compliance software:
    Consider using compliance management software to automate tracking and reporting. These tools can help you manage deadlines, track changes in regulations, and streamline compliance processes.
  8. Conduct regular audits:
    Perform regular internal audits to assess your business processes and ensure they align with compliance requirements. This proactive approach helps identify and rectify potential issues before they become major problems.
  9. Maintain detailed records:
    Keep thorough records of all transactions, agreements, and compliance-related activities. Well-maintained records can be crucial in demonstrating your commitment to compliance during audits.
  10. Network and stay informed:
    Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to stay connected with other professionals in your field. This can provide valuable insights into best practices and regulatory changes.
  11. Seek professional advice:
    Consult with compliance experts or hire consultants to conduct periodic reviews of your business processes. They can offer insights and recommendations for ensuring ongoing compliance.
  12. Implement a whistleblower policy:
    Encourage employees to report any compliance concerns through a confidential whistleblower policy. This can help you address potential issues early on and foster a culture of compliance within your organisation.

By proactively addressing compliance and integrating it into your business processes, you can reduce the risk of legal issues, financial penalties, and damage to your reputation. Regular monitoring, training, and adaptation to regulatory changes are key to maintaining compliance in a dynamic business environment.

Recruitment, training and cybersecurity in the AI age

This guest blog post is written by one of our approved companies for cybersecurity training.  

AI in the HR and L&D world

Artificial intelligence (AI) and deepfakes are hot topics for employees in all industries, not least for recruitment and training professionals.

As it develops, AI is changing the future of HR, allowing professionals to streamline work processes and supporting decision-making processes. At the same time, employee training is benefitting from the AI revolution, with L&D teams harnessing its powers to create engaging, personalised training programmes and to analyse the effectiveness of existing training.

But what about the dangers of AI for HR and L&D teams? In particular, how can AI and deepfakes be leveraged by cybercriminals to manipulate HR processes, and how can we defend ourselves against them?

Deepfake job candidates

In July 2022, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) released an advisory warning of a new social engineering technique in which fraudsters are using fake identities to steal company data[1].

Seems pretty standard, I hear you say – what’s new about this?

Well, while identity theft has been around for as long as you can remember, the difference here is that the fraudsters are using deepfake technology to misrepresent themselves in employment interviews. Their aim is to successfully navigate the recruitment process to commit cyber attacks.

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The positive link between AI and cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help with cybersecurity in various ways, enhancing the overall security of organisations. Here are some key ways AI can assist in cybersecurity:


Threat detection and prevention:

AI can analyse large volumes of data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security threat. This includes recognising known attack signatures and behaviour indicative of new and emerging threats.
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Reflecting on World of Learning 2023 – It’s all about the right fit

This time last week we were excitedly heading to Birmingham ahead of World of Learning at the NEC in Birmingham. Is the stand we have enough brochures…check…goodies..check…comfortable shoes and a smile..check, check!

What a wonderful two days it was as well meeting people passionate about L&D from different organisations – it certainly had a great feel all round as a place to meet and learn.

We met with so many people keen to find out what was new on the L&D market, some with an idea in mind of what they’re looking for, some still shaping their ideas with this event being key to their strategy development.

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Why procurement teams want to use managed learning services

Procurement departments often want to use managed learning services for several reasons, including:

1. Cost efficiency: Managed learning services can help organisations streamline their learning and development processes, leading to cost savings. By outsourcing these services, companies can avoid the need to hire and train their own learning and development staff, which can be expensive.

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