Taking the hard work out of external training booking

Training booking agent

Our Training Booking Agent service is targeted at companies who use multiple external training providers.

If you are responsible for booking training for your colleagues, does the time-consuming process of making those bookings prevent you from achieving more? And  are you bored of the bureaucracy of adding new suppliers, completing bookings, and filling out internal forms?  If so, we have a solution.

Outsource to us

Outsourcing to our Training Booking Agent service provides a central process for employees to book training, and helps remove the burden of administration.

We become the central resource and the route for your company’s external training.

You can continue to work with your preferred training providers whilst reducing your workload.  We will handle the bookings, communicate with employees in your preferred way and provide you with booking reports.

If you want we can work with your employees directly – so they’ll no longer clog up your inbox or take up your precious time.

Alternatively, we can provide a Self-Service Booking Portal to allow employees to access external training and really simplify the process.

It really is as simple as it sounds.

Learn more about our packages or contact us to discuss how our services will save you from the boring tasks!